Home Blog


Hi, welcome to my blog, where from time to time I'll post stuff about things I've been working on. They aren't going to be weekly or anything, just when I have anything to showcase.

Epimetheus Games also has a blog about game related stuff, but I haven't written all of the posts.

My friend Elouan also showed me about RSS, so my link to that is: carsonetb.com/feed.xml. I haven't tried it out yet, but supposedly you can subscribe to it so that you receive an email when I write a new blog post.

Without further ado, my blog posts will be linked below!

One more thing, If you're wondering why I had to put the bottom bar so low, it's because I'm bad at HTML. Try ctrl+a and you'll see what I mean.

Feb. 4, 2025 ― First Blog Post

The first blog post, which probably two people will read! Outlining some of the projects I've made and my process for making the website.

Feb. 9, 2025 ― 2D OpenGL Tutorial, Part 1

The first blog post, which probably two people will read! Outlining some of the projects I've made and my process for making the website.

© 2025 Carson Bates. Some people are surprised that the above animation doesn't use JS, others aren't.