Hello, welcome to my first blog post of all time, the one that probably two people will read! You probably
noticed the patern that I'm doing with the title of all my pages. I probably won't be able to keep the
creativity streak up, but we'll see.
I think that it's apporpriate for my first blog post to start by talking about my process with making the
website and then I'll move onto talking more about the stuff that I've made. In the future I'll likely make
tutorials on here and they'll probably get more clicks from Google (probably not).
So, on to my process for the website. I for some reason have this commitment to not write JavaScript mainly
for the reason that I dislike the language. And so I decided to put myself through hell to make the marquee
madness that you see at the bottom of the webpage. Hit ctrl+a (on Chrome, Firefox handles it much better) and
you'll see what I mean. In a nutshell, the two images are just two marquees that are moved to be on top of each
other, and then there are four images with different z-indexes for the pipe-things. Because of scaling issues
they for some reason all have to fit on the same line when they haven't been formatted, and then I can do some
devious tactics to move them all into the right place. lol. Most of the other web dev stuff has been pretty easy
and it's been nice to have a little refresher on HTML and CSS. You probably won't see me talking about much more
web things besides this because I am very far from qualified to do so.
Now, time to talk about some of the projects I've been working on, starting with the ones I'm most proud of and
ending with the ones that are more ... work in progress.
Project Prometheus is a game that me and a couple friends worked on from around September 2023 - July 2024. It's mostly finished by now, and I don't have any concrete plans to work on it in the future. It's a 2D platformer where the main theme is switching between items using physical "Item switchers," and there are some puzzle and speedrunning elements based around that. Here's a quick screenshot of the game:
I did the programming for this in Godot, as always. here's a link to the repo in case you want to check it out. Onwards!
Eyesore is another game that I worked with a mostly different couple of friends from around November 2022 - May
2023. It's another platformer where you play as an eyeball trying to connect the strings of the universe to make
it's way through an underground cave system. I'm not going to go through the trouble of finding an image for this
one, but a link to our trailer in case
you want to watch that.
You can probably see what I've been doing with my time these past two years instead of making projects that would
probably help me learn a bit more about programming. But it's definetely been fun and I've been able to hone my
expertice in a small area.
Titan is a project that I started a few years ago and I've worked on it in spontaneously in bursts over the past few years, mostly becuase I'm focused on making games. Essentially, it's a super simple game engine that uses Raylib for graphics and Pymunk for physics. It supports some basic node hierarchy and scripting, but I think I made the mistake of writing it in Python. I'm working on learning OpenGL so I can port it to C++ because I don't want to make life easy. At least I'm learning a lot more about OpenGL in 2D, you'll probably see a tutorial coming out at some point about that. You can find the Titan repository pinned on my Github.
There's a few miscelaneous projects I've been working on that don't deserve their own sections for various reasons.
Firstly, I made a port of Sebastian Lague's (amazing, go subscribe to him) procedural planets generator and atmospheric
simulations in Godot.
I've also made a bunch of small games in my "codestuff" repository that I made like five years ago, that was my first
repo I think. Go look through if you dare. Inside the most interesting thing you'll find is a flappy bird AI that I
made while I had Covid.
Lastly, very recently I've been working on a sort of graphics library for OpenGL, similar to Raylib. It's in my Github
under the name "gl-2d"
Thanks to the one/maybe two people who read this blog post for making it to the end. I promise I'll make less wandering
ones in the future. In the meantime, subscribe to my RSS feed so you can get an email when I make a new blog post. Link
is carsonetb.com/feed.xml.
Happy February 4th, 2025, 9:03 PM PDT!
P.S., I'm bad at HTML so if the top bar leads to Elouan's website, try to either scroll up and click it again, or
just edit the url yourself. (copilot suggested that I say I'm working on it, I'm not).